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Daily News

Project Acronym: MALLIK | State: Completed | Expedition ID: 5026

ins.: 2022-10-21 18:29; ( Age: 2 yrs )
By: sql
Category: Mallik

MALLIK: 2002-02-14

Coring has continued well over the past 24 hours
The sedimentology lab at the IRC, Sedimentologists Pat Brennan-Alpert and Barbara Medioli (both from the GSC) work on the core logging and descriptions. They also prepare the samples for the different types of analyses. The scientists work on these samples at the same time in the Laboratories of the IRC as well as afterwards in their home institutes.

Coring has continued well over the past 24 hours however the rate of advance has slowed somewhat due to the occurrence of fine grained silts and shales. The PDC coring bit currently being used is well suited to varied lithology, however its effectiveness is limited in fine grained sediments due to blocking or balling up of the bit. Core quality and recovery rate have been good. All Scientists at the Inuvik Research Center are now under full work.