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Project Acronym: CCGeoTherm | State: Workshop held

Jordan T , Fulton P , Tester J , Bruhn D , Asanuma H , Harms U , Wang C , Schmitt D , Vardon P , Hofmann H , Pasquini T , Smith J , Participants W .
Borehole research in New York State can advance utilization of low-enthalpy geothermal energy, management of potential risks, and understanding of deep sedimentary and crystalline geologic systems.
Scientific Drilling. 2020 ; 28 75-91. [doi][doi]
Jordan T , Fulton P , Tester J , Asanuma H , Bruhn D .
Exploring by boring: Geothermal wells as research tools.
Eos. 2020 ; 101 [doi][doi][{f:translate(key:'toggleblock.weburl1'}][]