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Project Acronym: CHALCO | State: Completed | Expedition ID: 5060

ins.: 2016-03-20 01:00; ( Age: 8 yrs )
By: Scientists
Category: Chalco-www

Lake Chalco: 2016-03-20

Doug Schnurrenberger with a wellhead near the drilling site on ...
Doug Schnurrenberger with a wellhead near the drilling site on 20 March 2016 [Photo by Erik Brown]. (MexiDrill on facebook)

Doug Schnurrenberger with a wellhead near the drilling site on 20 March 2016 (not shown). The second photo shows the same wellhead during the March 2012 ICDP-sponsored Chalco drilling workshop, with Anders Noren lifting Rob Stewart to take a look down the well. Note that continued subsidence in the basin has raised the level of the wellhead significantly in the intervening 4 years. (MexiDrill on facebook)