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Project Acronym: CHALCO | State: Completed | Expedition ID: 5060

ins.: 2016-03-31 02:00; ( Age: 9 yrs )
By: Scientists
Category: Chalco-www

Lake Chalco: 2016-03-31

Preparing for Usinger coring of upper part of the Chalco ...
Preparing for Usinger coring of upper part of the Chalco sequence. [Photo by Peter Fawcett] (MexiDrill on facebook)

Preparing for Usinger coring of upper part of the Chalco sequence. We hired a backhoe to remove fill overlying the lacustrine sediments. We are doing this to improve our recovery of recent sediments and to increase the quantities of this higher porosity material available for analyses. [Text: byJoe Werne] (MexiDrill on facebook)