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Project Acronym: KMT | State: Full Proposal Approved

Papale P , Garg D .
Big volcano science: needs and perspectives.
Bulletin of Volcanology. 2022 ; 84 (3): [doi][doi]
Eichelberger J .
Planning an International Magma Observatory.
Eos. 2019 ; 100 [doi][doi]
Hólmgeirsson S , Ingolfsson HP , Eichelberger J , Pye S , Normann R , Kaldal GS , Blankenship D , Mortensen A , Markússon S , Karlsdóttir SN , Wallevik  , Garðarsson SM , Tester J , Lavallee Y .
Krafla magma testbed (KMT): Engineering challenges of drilling into magma and extracting its energy.
In: Hólmgeirsson S , Ingolfsson HP , Eichelberger J , Pye S , Normann R , Kaldal GS , Blankenship D , Mortensen A , Markússon S , Karlsdóttir SN , Wallevik  , Garðarsson SM , Tester J , Lavallee Y . Krafla magma testbed (KMT): Engineering challenges of drilling into magma and extracting its energy. Geothermal Resources Council; 2018 . p. 2422 – 2434.
Eichelberger J , Ingolfsson HP , Carrigan C , Lavallee Y , Tester JW , Markusson SH .
Krafla magma testbed: Understanding and using the magma-hydrothermal connection.
In: Eichelberger J , Ingolfsson HP , Carrigan C , Lavallee Y , Tester JW , Markusson SH . Krafla magma testbed: Understanding and using the magma-hydrothermal connection. Geothermal Resources Council; 2018 . p. 2396 – 2405.