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Project Acronym: IDDP-1 | State: Completed | Expedition ID: 5029

Publication from IDDP-1 and IDDP-2 are listed together.

Saubin E , Kennedy B , Tuffen H , Nichols A , Bindeman I , Mortensen A , Schipper C , Wadsworth F , Watson T , Zierenberg R .
Textural and geochemical window into the IDDP-1 rhyolitic melt, Krafla, Iceland, and its reaction to drilling.
Bulletin of the Geological Society of America. 2021 ; 133 (9-10): 1815-1830. [doi][doi]
Friðleifsson G , Elders W , Zierenberg R , Fowler A , Weisenberger T , Mesfin K , Sigurðsson  , Níelsson S , Einarsson G , Óskarsson F , Guðnason E , Tulinius H , Hokstad K , Benoit G , Nono F , Loggia D , Parat F , Cichy S , Escobedo D , Mainprice D .
The Iceland Deep Drilling Project at Reykjanes: Drilling into the root zone of a black smoker analog.
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 2020 ; 391 [doi][doi]
Zierenberg R , Fowler A , Fridleifsson G , Elders W , Weisenberger T .
Preliminary description of rocks and alteration in IDDP-2 drill core samples recovered from the Reykjanes geothermal system, Iceland.
In: Zierenberg R , Fowler A , Fridleifsson G , Elders W , Weisenberger T . Preliminary description of rocks and alteration in IDDP-2 drill core samples recovered from the Reykjanes geothermal system, Iceland. Geothermal Resources Council; 2017 . p. 1599-1615.
Fridleifsson G , Elders W .
Successful drilling for supercritical geothermal resources at Reykjanes in SW Iceland.
In: Fridleifsson G , Elders W . Successful drilling for supercritical geothermal resources at Reykjanes in SW Iceland. Geothermal Resources Council; 2017 . p. 1095-1107.
Fridleifsson G , Elders W , Zierenberg R , Fowler A , Weisenberger T , Hararson B , Mesfin K .
The Iceland Deep Drilling Project 4.5 km deep well, IDDP-2, in the seawater-recharged Reykjanes geothermal field in SW Iceland has successfully reached its supercritical target.
Scientific Drilling. 2017 ; 23 1-12. [doi][doi]
Reinsch T , Dobson P , Asanuma H , Huenges E , Poletto F , Sanjuan B .
Utilizing supercritical geothermal systems: a review of past ventures and ongoing research activities.
Geothermal Energy. 2017 ; 5 (1): [doi][doi]
Fowler A , Zierenberg R .
Elemental changes and alteration recorded by basaltic drill core samples recovered from in situ temperatures up to 345°C in the active, seawater-recharged Reykjanes geothermal system, Iceland.
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 2016 ; 17 (11): 4772-4801. [doi][doi]
Kaldal G , Jonsson M , Palsson H , Karlsdottir S .
Structural modeling of the casings in the IDDP-1 well: Load history analysis.
Geothermics. 2016 ; 62 1-11. [doi][doi]
Fowler A , Zierenberg R , Schiffman P , Marks N , Frileifsson G .
Evolution of fluid-rock interaction in the Reykjanes geothermal system, Iceland: Evidence from Iceland Deep Drilling Project core RN-17B.
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 2015 ; 302 47-63. [doi][doi]
Marks N , Zierenberg R , Schiffman P .
Strontium and oxygen isotopic profiles through 3km of hydrothermally altered oceanic crust in the Reykjanes Geothermal System, Iceland.
Chemical Geology. 2015 ; 412 34-47. [doi][doi]
Thórhallsson S , Pálsson B , Hólmgeirsson S , Ingason K , Matthíasson M , Bóasson H , Sverrisson H .
Well design for the Iceland Deep Drilling Project (IDDP).
Geothermics. 2014 ; 49 16-22. [doi][doi]
Hjartarson S , Sævarsdóttir G , Ingason K , Pálsson B , Harvey WS , Pálsson H .
Utilization of the chloride bearing, superheated steam from IDDP-1.
Geothermics. 2014 ; 49 83-89. [doi][doi]
Friðleifsson G , Elders W , Albertsson A .
The concept of the Iceland deep drilling project.
Geothermics. 2014 ; 49 2-8. [doi][doi]
Mortensen A , Egilson  , Gautason B , Árnadóttir S , Guðmundsson  .
Stratigraphy, alteration mineralogy, permeability and temperature conditions of well IDDP-1, Krafla, NE-Iceland.
Geothermics. 2014 ; 49 31-41. [doi][doi]
Friðleifsson G , Ármannsson H , Guðmundsson  , Árnason K , Mortensen A , Pálsson B , Einarsson G .
Site selection for the well IDDP-1 at Krafla.
Geothermics. 2014 ; 49 9-15. [doi][doi]
Friðleifsson G , Sigurdsson O , Þorbjörnsson D , Karlsdóttir R , Gíslason  , Albertsson A , Elders W .
Preparation for drilling well IDDP-2 at Reykjanes.
Geothermics. 2014 ; 49 119-126. [doi][doi]
Lepland A , Joosu L , Kirsimäe K , Prave A , Romashkin A , Črne A , Fallick A , Somelar P , Üpraus K , Mänd K , Roberts N , Van Zuilen M , Schreiber A .
Potential influence of sulphur bacteria on Palaeoproterozoic phosphogenesis.
Nature Geoscience. 2014 ; 7 (1): 20-24. [doi][doi]
Hauksson T , Markusson S , Einarsson K , Karlsdóttir SN , Einarsson  , Möller A , Sigmarsson  .
Pilot testing of handling the fluids from the IDDP-1 exploratory geothermal well, Krafla, N.E. Iceland.
Geothermics. 2014 ; 49 76-82. [doi][doi]
Axelsson G , Egilson T , Gylfadóttir SS .
Modelling of temperature conditions near the bottom of well IDDP-1 in Krafla, Northeast Iceland.
Geothermics. 2014 ; 49 49-57. [doi][doi]
Elders W , Nielson D , Schiffman P , Schriener J .
Investigating ultra high-enthalpy geothermal systems: A collaborative initiative to promote scientific opportunities.
Scientific Drilling. 2014 ; 18 35-42. [doi][doi]
Ármannsson H , Fridriksson T , Gudfinnsson GH , Ólafsson M , Óskarsson F , Thorbjörnsson D .
IDDP—The chemistry of the IDDP-01 well fluids in relation to the geochemistry of the Krafla geothermal system.
Geothermics. 2014 ; 49 66-75. [doi][doi]
Elders WA , Friðleifsson  , Pálsson B .
Iceland Deep Drilling Project: The first well, IDDP-1, drilled into magma.
Geothermics. 2014 ; 49 1. [doi][doi]
Schiffman P , Zierenberg RA , Mortensen AK , Friðleifsson  , Elders WA .
High temperature metamorphism in the conductive boundary layer adjacent to a rhyolite intrusion in the Krafla geothermal system, Iceland.
Geothermics. 2014 ; 49 42-48. [doi][doi]
Ásmundsson R , Sanjuan B , Henninges J , Deltombe J , Halladay N , Lebert F , Gadalia A , Millot R , Gibert B , Violay M , Reinsch T , Naisse J , Azaïs P , Mainprice D , Karytsas C , Johnston C .
High temperature instruments and methods developed for supercritical geothermal reservoir characterisation and exploitation—The HiTI project.
Geothermics. 2014 ; 49 90-98. [doi][doi]
Pálsson B , Hólmgeirsson S , Guðmundsson  , Bóasson H , Ingason K , Sverrisson H , Thórhallsson S .
Drilling of the well IDDP-1.
Geothermics. 2014 ; 49 23-30. [doi][doi]
Elders W , Friðleifsson G , Albertsson A .
Drilling into magma and the implications of the Iceland Deep Drilling Project (IDDP) for high-temperature geothermal systems worldwide.
Geothermics. 2014 ; 49 111-118. [doi][doi]
Ingason K , Kristjánsson V , Einarsson K .
Design and development of the discharge system of IDDP-1.
Geothermics. 2014 ; 49 58-65. [doi][doi]
Zierenberg R , Schiffman P , Barfod G , Lesher C , Marks N , Lowenstern J , Mortensen A , Pope E , Bird D , Reed M , Fridleifsson G , Elders W .
Composition and origin of rhyolite melt intersected by drilling in the Krafla geothermal field, Iceland.
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 2013 ; 165 (2): 327-347. [doi][doi]
Fridleifsson G , Elders W , Bignall G .
A plan for a 5 km-deep borehole at Reykjanes, Iceland, into the root zone of a black smoker on land.
Scientific Drilling. 2013 ; (16): 73-79. [doi][doi]
Marks N , Schiffman P , Zierenberg R .
High-grade contact metamorphism in the Reykjanes geothermal system: Implications for fluid-rock interactions at mid-oceanic ridge spreading centers.
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 2011 ; 12 (8): [doi][doi]
Dietze F , Kontny A , Heyde I , Vahle C .
Magnetic anomalies and rock magnetism of basalts from Reykjanes (SW-Iceland).
Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica. 2011 ; 55 (1): 109-130. [doi][doi]
Oliva-Urcia B , Kontny A , Vahle C .
Modification of the magnetic mineralogy in basalts due to fluid-rock interactions in a high-temperature geothermal system (Krafla, Iceland).
Geophysical Journal International. 2011 ; 186 (1): 155-174. [doi][doi]
Elders W , Fridleifsson G , Zierenberg R , Pope E , Mortensen A , Gudmundsson  , Lowenstern J , Marks N , Owens L , Bird D , Reed M , Olsen N , Schiffman P .
Origin of a rhyolite that intruded a geothermal well while drilling at the Krafla volcano, Iceland.
Geology. 2011 ; 39 (3): 231-234. [doi][doi]
Frioleifsson G , Albertsson A , Elders W , Sigurdsson O , Karlsdóttir R , Pálsson B .
The Iceland Deep Drilling Project (IDDP): Planning for the second deep well at Reykjanes.
In: Frioleifsson G , Albertsson A , Elders W , Sigurdsson O , Karlsdóttir R , Pálsson B . The Iceland Deep Drilling Project (IDDP): Planning for the second deep well at Reykjanes. 2011 . p. 347-354.
Fowler A , Scheu B , Lee W , McGuinness M .
A theoretical model of the explosive fragmentation of vesicular magma.
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 2010 ; 466 (2115): 731-752. [doi][doi]
Skinner A , Bowers P , Pórhallsson S , Fridleifsson G , Gudmundsson H .
Design, manufacture, and operation of a core barrel for the Iceland Deep Drilling Project (IDDP).
Scientific Drilling. 2010 ; (10): 40-45. [doi][doi]
Skinner A , Bowers P , Pórhallsson S , Frioleifsson G , Guomundsson H .
Extreme coring.
Geodrilling International. 2010 ; (162): 18-22.
Marks N , Schiffman P , Zierenberg R , Franzson H , Fridleifsson G .
Hydrothermal alteration in the Reykjanes geothermal system: Insights from Iceland deep drilling program well RN-17.
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 2010 ; 189 (1-2): 172-190. [doi][doi]
Fridleifsson G , Elders W .
Progress report on the Iceland Deep Drilling Project (IDDP).
Scientific Drilling. 2007 ; (4): 26-29. [doi][doi]