ICDP Proposal Abstract
© ICDP, the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program, 1996-2024 - www.icdp-online.org
Deep Geodynamic Laboratory - Gulf of Corinth
Europe, Greece, Gulf of Corinth, Aigion
Full-proposal: ICDP-2002/13
For the funding-period starting 2002-01-15
For the funding-period starting 2002-01-15
The objective of the Corinth Rift Laboratory (CRL) is to integrate surface and downhole observations
for a better understanding of the physics of faulting in an extensional tectonic regime, with
special attention to interactions between fluids and active faults. Its development has been decided
after an ICDP sponsored workshop held in Athens in 1997 which provided means to identify its main
objective and demonstrated its complementarity with the two other ongoing fault drilling projects,
namely the San Andreas drilling project in a transform fault environment and the project off the western
Japanese cost in a subduction zone environment.
The Corinth Rift is opening at a rate of 1.5 cm/year, with its southern shore uplifting at a rate
close to 1 mm/year. It is one of the most seismically active zones in Europe. CRL will include, in addition
to the local research infractructure facility, an efficient database common to all participants and
widely accessible through the web. CRL presently includes a set of five European funded projects. In
addition to the Deep Geodynamic Laboratory (DGLab) drilling project, CORSEIS is centred on surface
geophysical networks, 3F-Corinth places emphasis on geochemical and geophysical interactions
between fluids and faults as well as on seismic reconnaissance and numerical modelling, AEGIS corresponds
to the Information Science Technology component of the project, and ASSEM develops
sensors for offshore monitoring. In addition, national agencies (PLOUTON for Greece, GDR-Corinth
for France, GRECO for Germany) bring equipment, personnel for maintenance and some academic
expertise for more theoretical reflection on results obtained in situ. The only funds presently available
for drilling come through the DGLab project.
The site for DGLab is located in Aigion, a city on the southern shore of the Corinth Gulf, which
was hit by a magnitude 6.5 earthquake in 1995. On this location, the DGLab drilling project aims at
instrumenting two boreholes (1200 and 600 m deep), which intersect the recently activated Aigion
fault. Particular emphasis is placed on documenting the role of fluids on fault behaviour and the role of
earthquake faulting on regional hydrogeology thanks to the continuous downhole monitoring of various
parameters characteristics of the fault fluid flow conditions.
The first year of DGLab activity has resulted in identifying the local geological structure where
the boreholes are to be drilled and in producing the first draft of a local geological map together with
some information on main faults structures. Four seismic profiles cumulating 33 km of seismic lines
(three of them perpendicular to the Heliki and Aegion faults, one of them parallel to the faults) outline
the absence of simple reflections. This is taken to be the consequence of the complexity of the regional
faulting system. But refraction data provides clear identification of targeted tertiary limestone, below
the recent conglomerates.
These results, together with observations from a 200 m deep drill hole, suggests that limestone
will be hit around 820 m, in the northern hanging wall of Aigion fault. Dip of Heliki fault has been
measured at five different sites. Results outline a dip ranging from 70° when the fault remains in limestone
to 55° when it is entirely in conglomerates, and about 60° when it interfaces limestone and conglomerates.
This has prompted the recommendation to deepen the wells and to locate them further
away from the fault trace than initially planned. Indeed, this will ensure that the fault is not intersected
by the 1200 m borehole where it cuts through the conglomerates but where it passes through the carbonates.
But these deeper conditions are not compatible with presently available budget. Therefore, the
purpose of this proposal is to apply to the ICDP for additional funding which will permit the deepening
of the wells without jeopardizing the main scientific content of the overall project.
Scientific Objectives
- (No objectives found in database. Record is incomplete and needs some manual curation)
Active Faults,
Rift Zones
© ICDP, the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program, 1996-2024