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ins.: 2014-05-25 02:00; ( Age: 10 yrs )
By: Scientists
Category: COSC1

COSC: 2014-05-25

On the morning of Sunday, 25th May 2014, the COSC-1 ...
Fr??tj?rn and ?reskutan (Foto: Peter Hedin)

On the morning of Sunday, 25th May 2014, the COSC-1 drilling reached a driller’s depth of 767 m. The driller’s then rinsed the drill hole and removed the drill string in preparation for down-hole logging operations that were scheduled to start on Sunday night. Per-Gunnar Alm and his team from Lund University came in the evening and started setting up their things. A problem with connection to the electrical grid delayed the operations, which will be started up with generator power as soon as possible. Because there is no drilling activity, on-site science team switched to having 2 persons in 8 hour shifts (from 3 persons in 12 hour shifts), so that some people can catch up on well needed rest. We will finish the multi-sensor core logging on all existing core during Monday if everything goes according to plan and then we’ll see what needs to be done and what we can do while waiting for the loggers to finish.