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ins.: 2014-06-06 02:00; ( Age: 10 yrs )
By: Scientists
Category: COSC1

COSC: 2014-06-06

Yesterday the drill hole reached 1000 m, today we ate ...
Yesterday the drill hole reached 1000 m, today we ate 1000 m cake, the "1000 m cake", not thousand metres cake. Thank you, Stellan!

Yesterday the drill hole reached 1000 m, today we ate 1000 m cake - I mean the "1000 m cake", not thousand metres of cake. The drill bit was now drilling for 80 m and still seems to be ok, but who knows - everything can happen, good or bad, at any time. It's a drilling project! When everything goes well then drilling is fast. Midnight to midnight 55 m, with 3 m core barrels at the present depth of the drill hole - we are very satisfied. It's shift changing time - a big thank you to those who go home and spend their time for the project, and welcome to the new on-site scientists.