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Project Acronym: BCDP | State: Completed | Expedition ID: 5023

Vinnepand M , Zeeden C , Wonik T , Gosling W , Noren A , Kück J , Pierdominici S , Voigt S , Abadi MS , Ulfers A , Danour S , Afrifa K , Kaboth-Bahr S .
An age-depth model for Lake Bosumtwi (Ghana) to reconstruct one million years of West African climate and environmental change.
Quaternary Science Reviews. 2024 ; 325 [doi][doi]
Kuzmicheva MY , Ivanov B .
Modeling the Magnetic Anomaly of the Bosumtwi (Ghana) Complex Meteorite Crater by Taking Into Account the Impact Demagnetization and Morphological Features.
Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth. 2021 ; 57 (5): 795 – 804. [doi][doi]
Wilke T , Wagner B , Van Bocxlaer B , Albrecht C , Ariztegui D , Delicado D , Francke A , Harzhauser M , Hauffe T , Holtvoeth J , Just J , Leng MJ , Levkov Z , Penkman K , Sadori L , Skinner A , Stelbrink B , Vogel H , Wesselingh F , Wonik T .
Scientific drilling projects in ancient lakes: Integrating geological and biological histories.
Global and Planetary Change. 2016 ; 143 118 – 151. [doi][doi]
Losiak A , Wild EM , Michlmayr L , Koeberl C .
10Be content in clasts from fallout suevitic breccia in drill cores from the Bosumtwi impact crater, Ghana: Clues to preimpact target distribution.
Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2014 ; 49 (3): 394 – 411. [doi][doi]
Miller CS , Gosling WD .
Quaternary forest associations in lowland tropical West Africa.
Quaternary Science Reviews. 2014 ; 84 7 – 25. [doi][doi]
Shanahan TM , Peck JA , McKay N , Heil CW , King J , Forman SL , Hoffmann DL , Richards DA , Overpeck JT , Scholz C .
Age models for long lacustrine sediment records using multiple dating approaches - An example from Lake Bosumtwi, Ghana.
Quaternary Geochronology. 2013 ; 15 47 – 60. [doi][doi]
Gan SQ , Scholz CA .
Extracting paleoclimate signals from sediment laminae: An automated 2-D image processing method.
Computers and Geosciences. 2013 ; 52 345 – 355. [doi][doi]
Losiak A , Schulz T , Buchwaldt R , Koeberl C .
Petrology, major and trace element geochemistry, geochronology, and isotopic composition of granitic intrusions from the vicinity of the Bosumtwi impact crater, Ghana.
Lithos. 2013 ; 177 297 – 313. [doi][doi]
Shanahan TM , McKay N , Overpeck JT , Peck JA , Scholz C , Heil CW , King J .
Spatial and temporal variability in sedimentological and geochemical properties of sediments from an anoxic crater lake in West Africa: Implications for paleoenvironmental reconstructions.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 2013 ; 374 96 – 109. [doi][doi]
Shanahan TM , Beck JW , Overpeck JT , McKay NP , Pigati JS , Peck JA , Scholz CA , Heil CW , King J .
Late Quaternary sedimentological and climate changes at Lake Bosumtwi Ghana: New constraints from laminae analysis and radiocarbon age modeling.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 2012 ; 361-362 49 – 60. [doi][doi]
Poste AE , Muir DC , Otu MK , Hall RI , Hecky RE .
Past and present mercury flux to a West African crater lake (Lake Bosomtwe/Bosumtwi, Ghana).
Science of the Total Environment. 2012 ; 420 340 – 344. [doi][doi]
Dzirasah W , Danuor S , Menyeh A , Peck J .
A study of sediment magnetic mineralogy in Lake Bosumtwi, Ghana: Indications of depositional environment and paleoclimate.
European Journal of Scientific Research. 2012 ; 82 (1): 95 – 114.
Ferrière L , Koeberl C , Brandstätter F , Mader D .
Geochemistry of basement rocks and impact breccias from the central uplift of the Bosumtwi crater, Ghana - Comparison of proximal and distal impactites.
Special Paper of the Geological Society of America. 2010 ; 465 443 – 469. [doi][doi]
Coney L , Reimold WU , Gibson RL , Koeberl C , Ogilvie P .
Melt particle characteristics of the within-and out-of-crater suevites from the Bosumtwi impact structure, Ghana: Implications for crater formation.
Special Paper of the Geological Society of America. 2010 ; 465 411 – 442. [doi][doi]
Giresse P , Makaya-Mvoubou  .
Sediment and particulate organic carbon fluxes in various lacustrine basins of tropical Africa and in the Gulf of Guinea.
Global and Planetary Change. 2010 ; 72 (4): 341 – 355. [doi][doi]
Ferrière L , Koeberl C , Thöni M , Liang C .
Single crystal U-Pb zircon age and Sr-Nd isotopic composition of impactites from the Bosumtwi impact structure, Ghana: Comparison with country rocks and Ivory Coast tektites.
Chemical Geology. 2010 ; 275 (3-4): 254 – 261. [doi][doi]
Shanahan T , Overpeck J , Anchukaitis K , Beck J , Cole J , Dettman D , Peck J , Scholz C , King J .
Atlantic forcing of persistent drought in West Africa.
Science. 2009 ; 324 (5925): 377 – 380. [doi][doi]
Shanahan TM , Overpeck JT , Beck JW , Wheeler CW , Peck JA , King JW , Scholz CA .
The formation of biogeochemical laminations in Lake Bosumtwi, Ghana, and their usefulness as indicators of past environmental changes.
Journal of Paleolimnology. 2008 ; 40 (1): 339 – 355. [doi][doi]
Ferrière L , Koeberl C , Ivanov BA , Reimold WU .
Shock metamorphism of Bosumtwi impact crater rocks, shock attenuation, and uplift formation.
Science. 2008 ; 322 (5908): 1678 – 1681. [doi][doi]
Escala M , Rosell-Melé A , Fietz S , Koeberl C .
Archaeabacterial lipids in drill core samples from the Bosumtwi impact structure, Ghana.
Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2008 ; 43 (11): 1777 – 1782. [doi][doi]
Karikari F , Ferrière L , Koeberl C , Reimold WU , Mader D .
Petrography, geochemistry, and alteration of country rocks from the Bosumtwi impact structure, Ghana.
Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2007 ; 42 (4-5): 513 – 540. [doi][doi]
McDonald I , Peucker-Ehrenbrink B , Coney L , Ferrière L , Reimold WU , Koeberl C .
Search for a meteoritic component in drill cores from the Bosumtwi impact structure, Ghana: Platinum group element contents and osmium isotopic characteristics.
Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2007 ; 42 (4-5): 743 – 753. [doi][doi]
Morris WA , Ugalde H , Clark C .
Physical property measurements: ICDP boreholes LB-07A and LB-08A, Lake Bosumtwi impact structure, Ghana.
Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2007 ; 42 (4-5): 801 – 809. [doi][doi]
Goderis S , Tagle R , Schmitt R , Erzinger J , Claeys P .
Platinum group elements provide no indication of a meteoritic component in ICDP cores from the Bosumtwi crater, Ghana.
Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2007 ; 42 (4-5): 731 – 741. [doi][doi]
Artemieva N .
Possible reasons of shock melt deficiency in the Bosumtwi drill cores.
Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2007 ; 42 (4-5): 883 – 894. [doi][doi]
Koeberl C , Milkereit B , Reimold WU .
Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2007 ; 42 (4-5): 481 – 482. [doi][doi]
Danour S , Menyeh A .
Results of pre-drilling potential field measurements at the Bosumtwi crater.
Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2007 ; 42 (4-5): 541 – 547. [doi][doi]
Morrow JR .
Shock-metamorphic petrography and microRaman spectroscopy of quartz in upper impactite interval, ICDP drill core LB-07A, Bosumtwi impact crater, Ghana.
Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2007 ; 42 (4-5): 591 – 609. [doi][doi]
Koeberl C , Brandstätter F , Glass BP , Hecht L , Mader D , Reimold WU .
Uppermost impact fallback layer in the Bosumtwi crater (Ghana): Mineralogy, geochemistry, and comparison with Ivory Coast tektites.
Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2007 ; 42 (4-5): 709 – 729. [doi][doi]
Shanahan TM , Overpeck JT , Sharp W , Scholz CA , Arko JA .
Simulating the response of a closed-basin lake to recent climate changes in tropical West Africa (Lake Bosumtwi, Ghana).
Hydrological Processes. 2007 ; 21 (13): 1678 – 1691. [doi][doi]
Scholz CA , Karp T , Lyons RP .
Structure and morphology of the Bosumtwi impact structure from seismic reflection data.
Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2007 ; 42 (4-5): 549 – 560. [doi][doi]
Deutsch A , Luetke S , Heinrich V .
The ICDP Lake Bosumtwi impact crater scientific drilling project (Ghana): Core LB-08A litho-log, related ejecta, and shock recovery experiments.
Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2007 ; 42 (4-5): 635 – 654. [doi][doi]
Boamah D , Koeberl C .
The Lake Bosumtwi impact structure in Ghana: A brief environmental assessment and discussion of ecotourism potential.
Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2007 ; 42 (4-5): 561 – 567. [doi][doi]
Ugalde H , Morris WA , Clark C , Miles B , Milkereit B .
The Lake Bosumtwi meteorite impact structure, Ghana - A magnetic image from a third observational level.
Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2007 ; 42 (4-5): 793 – 800. [doi][doi]
Ugalde H , Morris WA , Pesonen LJ , Danuor SK .
The Lake Bosumtwi meteorite impact structure, Ghana - Where is the magnetic source?.
Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2007 ; 42 (4-5): 867 – 882. [doi][doi]
Elbra T , Kontny A , Pesonen LJ , Schleifer N , Schell C .
Petrophysical and paleomagnetic data of drill cores from the Bosumtwi impact structure, Ghana.
Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2007 ; 42 (4-5): 829 – 838. [doi][doi]
Schmitt DR , Milkereit B , Karp T , Scholz C , Danuor S , Meillieux D , Welz M .
In situ seismic measurements in borehole LB-08A in the Bosumtwi impact structure, Ghana: Preliminary interpretation.
Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2007 ; 42 (4-5): 755 – 768. [doi][doi]
Kontny A , Elbra T , Just J , Pesonen LJ , Schleicher AM , Zolk J .
Petrography and shock-related remagnetization of pyrrhotite in drill cores from the Bosumtwi Impact Crater Drilling Project, Ghana.
Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2007 ; 42 (4-5): 811 – 827. [doi][doi]
Ferrière L , Koeberl C , Reimold WU .
Drill core LB-08A, Bosumtwi impact structure, Ghana: Petrographic and shock metamorphic studies of material from the central uplift.
Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2007 ; 42 (4-5): 611 – 633. [doi][doi]
Koeberl C , Milkereit B , Overpeck JT , Scholz CA , Amoako PY , Boamah D , Danuor SK , Karp T , Kueck J , Hecky RE , King JW , Peack JA .
An international and multidisciplinary drilling project into a young complex impact structure: The 2004 ICDP Bosumtwi Crater Drilling Project - An overview.
Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2007 ; 42 (4-5): 483 – 511. [doi][doi]
Schell C , Schleifer N , Elbra T .
Characterization of the log lithology of cores LB-07A and LB-08A of the Bosumtwi impact structure by using the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility.
Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2007 ; 42 (4-5): 839 – 847. [doi][doi]
Coney L , Gibson RL , Reimold WU , Koeberl C .
Lithostratigraphic and petrographic analysis of ICDP drill core LB-07A, Bosumtwi impact structure, Ghana.
Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2007 ; 42 (4-5): 569 – 589. [doi][doi]
Morris WA , Ugalde H , Clark C , Miles B .
Clast fabric examination of impact-generated breccias, borehole LB-07A, Bosumtwi, Ghana.
Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2007 ; 42 (4-5): 769 – 778. [doi][doi]
Koeberl C , Milkereit B . Continental drilling and the study of impact craters and processes - An ICDP perspective. Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 2007 . p. 95 – 161. [doi][doi]
Ferrière L , Koeberl C , Reimold WU , Mader D .
Drill core LB-08A, Bosumtwi impact structure, Ghana: Geochemistry of fallback breccia and basement samples from the central uplift.
Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2007 ; 42 (4-5): 689 – 708. [doi][doi]
Koeberl C , Shukolyukov A , Lugmair GW .
Chromium isotopic studies of terrestrial impact craters: Identification of meteoritic components at Bosumtwi, Clearwater East, Lappajärvi, and Rochechouart.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 2007 ; 256 (3-4): 534 – 546. [doi][doi]
Scholz CA , Johnson TC , Cohen AS , King JW , Peck JA , Overpeck JT , Talbot MR , Brown ET , Kalindekafe L , Amoako PYO , Lyons RP , Shanahan TM , Castañeda IS , Heil CW , Forman SL , McHargue LR , Beuning KR , Gomez J , Pierson J .
East African megadroughts between 135 and 75 thousand years ago and bearing on early-modern human origins.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2007 ; 104 (42): 16416 – 16421. [doi][doi]
Coney L , Reimold WU , Gibson RL , Koeberl C .
Geochemistry of impactites and basement lithologies from ICDP borehole LB-07A, Bosumtwi impact structure, Ghana.
Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2007 ; 42 (4-5): 667 – 688. [doi][doi]
Petersen MT , Newsom HE , Nelson MJ , Moore DM .
Hydrothermal alteration in the Bosumtwi impact structure: Evidence from 2M1-muscovite, alteration veins, and fracture fillings.
Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2007 ; 42 (4-5): 655 – 666. [doi][doi]
L'Heureux E , Milkereit B .
Impactities as a random medium - Using variations in physical properties to assess heterogeneity within the Bosumtwi meteorite impact crater.
Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2007 ; 42 (4-5): 849 – 858. [doi][doi]
Ugalde H , Danuor SK , Milkereit B .
Integrated 3-D model from gravity and petrophysical data at the Bosumtwi impact structure, Ghana.
Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2007 ; 42 (4-5): 859 – 866. [doi][doi]
Meillieux D , Schmitt D , Milkereit B , Danour S , Nkrumah K .
Integrated petrophysical and borehole seismic studies of Lake Bosumtwi impact crater, Ghana.
In: Meillieux D , Schmitt D , Milkereit B , Danour S , Nkrumah K . Integrated petrophysical and borehole seismic studies of Lake Bosumtwi impact crater, Ghana. Society of Exploration Geophysicists; 2007 . p. 447 – 451. [doi][doi]
Hunze S , Wonik T .
Lithological and structural characteristics of the Lake Bosumtwi impact crater, Ghana: Interpretation of acoustic televiewer images.
Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2007 ; 42 (4-5): 779 – 792. [doi][doi]
Boamah D , Koeberl C .
Petrographic studies of "fallout" suevite from outside the Bosumtwi impact structure, Ghana.
Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2006 ; 41 (11): 1761 – 1774. [doi][doi]
Shanahan TM , Overpeck JT , Wheeler CW , Beck JW , Pigati JS , Talbot MR , Scholz CA , Peck J , King JW .
Paleoclimatic variations in West Africa from a record of late Pleistocene and Holocene lake level stands of Lake Bosumtwi, Ghana.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 2006 ; 242 (3-4): 287 – 302. [doi][doi]
Dai X , Boamah D , Koeberl C , Reimold WU , Irvine G , McDonald I .
Bosumtwi impact structure, Ghana: Geochemistry of impactites and target rocks, and search for a meteoritic component.
Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2005 ; 40 (9-10): 1493 – 1511. [doi][doi]
Brooks K , Scholz CA , King JW , Peck J , Overpeck JT , Russell JM , Amoako PY .
Late-Quaternary lowstands of lake Bosumtwi, Ghana: Evidence from high-resolution seismic-reflection and sediment-core data.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 2005 ; 216 (3-4): 235 – 249. [doi][doi]
Koeberl C , Peck J , King J , Milkereit B , Overpeck J , Scholz C .
The ICDP lake Bosumtwi drilling project: A first report.
Scientific Drilling. 2005 ; 1 23 – 27. [doi][doi]
Peck JA , Green RR , Shanahan T , King JW , Overpeck JT , Scholz CA .
A magnetic mineral record of Late Quaternary tropical climate variability from Lake Bosumtwi, Ghana.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 2004 ; 215 (1-2): 37 – 57. [doi][doi]
Glass BP , Huber H , Koeberl C .
Geochemistry of Cenozoic microtektites and clinopyroxene-bearing spherules.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 2004 ; 68 (19): 3971 – 4006. [doi][doi]
Boamah D , Koeberl C .
Geology and geochemistry of shallow drill cores from the Bosumtwi impact structure, Ghana.
Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2003 ; 38 (8): 1137 – 1159. [doi][doi]
Russell J , Talbot MR , Haskell BJ .
Mid-holocene climate change in Lake Bosumtwi, Ghana.
Quaternary Research. 2003 ; 60 (2): 133 – 141. [doi][doi]
Karp T , Milkereit B , Janle P , Danuor SK , Pohl J , Berckhemer H , Scholz CA .
Seismic investigation of the Lake Bosumtwi impact crater: Preliminary results.
Planetary and Space Science. 2002 ; 50 (7-8): 735 – 743. [doi][doi]