Presenting a selection of our latest ICDP video clips with general information on our scientific program, our goals and partners and insights into our projects. For more videos and further details on our projects visit our YOUTUBE channel.
General info on ICDP
How ICDP works
see how ICDP works and how the society benefits from continental scientific drilling
ICDP Science Plan
Our four prime science themes for the decade 2020-2030
2 major programs, 1 common goal: scientific drilling on continents and in oceans
ICDP projects & workshops
NAMCORE (China) 2024
Nam Co represents one of the largest and deepest lakes on the Tibetan Plateau. See the teamĀ“s successful planning, research and drilling on the Lake Nam Co in Tibet.
TADP (Brazil) 2023/24
The Trans-Amazon Drilling Project (TADP) on site. Its aim is to document the evolution of biodiversity of the Amazon forest.
Workshop MEME (Italy) 2023
in Gioia dei Marsi (Italy), October 24 -27, 2023: examining the potential of drilling the western Eurasia Plio-Quaternary lacustrine succession of Lake Fucino in Italy
BASE (South Africa) 2021
Barberton Archean Surface Environments (BASE): Drilling precambrian sedimentary strata in the Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa
MexiDrill (Mexico) 2017
ICDP MexiDrill Project - Climate Clues Lake Chalco, Mexico
Lake Turkana (Kenya) 2013
ICDP Scientific Drilling at Lake Turkana (Kenya), collecting sediment drill cores for paleoclimate and paleoenviromental analysis