ICDP 2019 Trainingskurs on Downhole Mesurements - Call to Apply
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ICDP 2019 Trainingskurs on Downhole Mesurements - Agenda
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ICDP 2019 Trainingskurs on Downhole Mesurements - Presentations
T. Wiersberg: Welcome and Intro
T. Freudenthal: Logging from Ocean Drilling Robots
J. Henninges: Fiber-Optical Technologies and Geothermal Applications
B. Gunnarsson: Logging and Monitoring at Ultrahigh Temperatures
S. Pierdominici: Structures from Images
M. Kyaw: CLSI Core-Log-Seismic Integration
D. Schmitt: Hydraulic Fracturing and Stress Measurements
T. Wonik: Logging in Lake Drilling Projects
M. Rey: Data Aquisition in Oil and Gas Drilling
L. Purkamo: Probing the Deep Biosphere
T. Wiersberg: Downhole Fluid Sampling and Monitoring
R. Kietäväinen: Fluid research at Outokumpu
ICDP 2019 Trainingskurs on Downhole Mesurements - Supplementary Material
Design a Logging Plan (Exercise)
Kwiatek et al (2019): Controlling fluid-induced seismicity during
a 6.1-km-deep geothermal stimulation in Finland