Multi Sensor Core Logger

Initial measurements of petrophysical properties

ICDP provides a multi sensor core logging (MSCL) device for whole round and split hard rock and soft rock cores with or without liner. Maximum core diameter is 10 cm, maximum length of a core section is 1.5 m. The MSCL is equipped with sensors for p-wave verlocity, magnetic susceptibility, and spectrum gamma (U, Th, K). Avaliable is furthermore a radioactive source (137Cs) and a detector for gamma density. The radioactive source will be provided and shipped only in justified exceptional cases. 

The MSCL is provided on a first come, first serve base. ICDP projects can apply for it in the full proposal. Manpower for on-site operation and maintanance of the MSCL must be provided by the project. The use is free of charge except shipping costs and travel costs of the operator for attending a training (if needed).