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# Proposal Name Proposal ID (Type) Involved Persons
1 Investigating Miocene Mediterranean-Atlantic Exchange (IMMAGE) ICDP-2018/09 (full)   12
2 Investigating Miocene Mediterranean-Atlantic Gateway Exchange (IMMAGE)   ICDP-2016/12 (workshop)   4
3 ICDP workshop on amphibious drilling: Investigating Miocene Mediterranean-Atlantic Gateway Exchange (IMMAGE)  ICDP-2016/12 (workshop)  
4 LIMO-DRILL (Lillo Mound Drill, Puebla de Lillo Carbonate Mound Drilling)  ICDP-2010/09 (preliminary)    1
5 Drilling the SE Iberia lacustrine record: a paleoclimate sensor for the last 7 Myr.  ICDP-2009/15 (preliminary)    9
<tfoot> 5 submitted Proposals with Drill Site(s) in Spain  Persons involved:  30 scientists</tfoot>