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icdp Assembly of Governors (AOG)

...our science administrators

Task & Function

The AOG provides financial and scientific oversight. It determines the program policies, decides on EC recommended Full Proposals and allocates the amount of comingled ICDP funding for each individual drilling project. In addition, the AOG decides on the Annual Program Plan and the associated budget and discusses the Long-range Plan of the ICDP prepared and proposed by the EC. Decisions are made through a consensus process guided by the Chair.

The AOG meets annually after the EC meeting, usually in early summer. After the AOG has made the final decisions, the letters of approval are sent out to the Principal Investigators by the Executive Director to inform about the ICDP decision and its reasons.

The AOG is composed of one representative from each member country – typically a science administrator representing the respective funding organization(s).


Assembly of Governors

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# Group Position Role Acronym Panel Last Name First Name Middle Names Name Country of Birth Person Id User Id Country Organization Name Org.-Acronym Organization Url Person Url
1 1 Chair ICDP/AOG,STM,CM ICDP-AOG Sonntag Iris Iris Sonntag 23217 2 Germany German Science Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) DFG
2 2 Co-Chair ICDP/AOG,STM,CC ICDP-AOG Newport Sarah Sarah Newport 35030 2 UK British Geological Survey BGS, NERC
3 3 ICDP/AOG,STM ICDP-AOG Rawling Tim Tim Rawling 35558 2 Australia AuScope AuScope
4 3 ICDP/AOG,STM ICDP-AOG Plunger Bernhard Bernhard Plunger 20838 2 Austria Austrian Academy of Sciences ÖAW
5 3 ICDP/AOG,GU ICDP-AOG Javaux Emmanuelle J. Emmanuelle Javaux 15289 2 Belgium Universite de Liege ULIEGE,EARLYLIF
6 3 ICDP/AOG;STM ICDP-AOG Raha Margus Margus Raha 34407 2 Estonia Ministry of Climate
7 3 ICDP/AOG,STM ICDP-AOG Pikkarainen Hanna Katriina Hanna Pikkarainen 17955 2 Finland Academy of Finland AKA
8 3 ICDP/AOG,STM ICDP-AOG Lagroix France . France Lagroix 35863 2 France Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique CNRS,INSU
9 3 ICDP/AOG,STM ICDP-AOG Gudmundsson Magnús Tumi Magnús Gudmundsson 20175 2 Iceland University of Iceland
10 3 ICDP/AOG,STM ICDP-AOG Ravichandran M. M. Ravichandran 22355 2 India Ministry of Earth Sciences MoES
11 3 ICDP/AOG,STM ICDP-AOG van den Berg Niels . Niels van den Berg 35449 2 Netherlands Dutch Research Council NWO
12 3 ICDP/AOG,STM ICDP-AOG Wilson Gary Steven Gary Wilson 15714 2 New Zealand University of Waikato Waikato
13 3 ICDP/AOG,STM ICDP-AOG Schiellerup Henrik Henrik Schiellerup 23117 2 Norway Geological Survey of Norway NGU
14 3 ICDP/AOG,STM ICDP-AOG Liu Haiyan Haiyan Liu 35027 2 P.R. China Ministry of Natural Resources of China MNR
15 3 ICDP/AOG,STM ICDP-AOG Sanchez Serrano Jose Juan Jose Sanchez Serrano 24279 2 Spain Gobierno de Espana MINECO
16 3 ICDP/AOG,STM ICDP-AOG Andersson Tomas Tomas Andersson 35028 2 Sweden Swedish Research Council, Vetenskapsradet SRC,VR
17 3 ICDP/AOG,STM ICDP-AOG Kern-Lütschg Martina A. Martina Kern-Lütschg 15598 2 Switzerland Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich IGT,ETHZ
18 3 ICDP/AOG,STM ICDP-AOG Smith-Nufio Dena Michelle Dena Smith-Nufio 35026 2 USA U.S. National Science Foundation, NSF NSF (EAR)
19 4 Secretary ICDP/AOG,STM,SE ICDP-AOG Wiersberg Thomas Thomas Wiersberg 13336 2 Germany German Research Centre for Geosciences GFZ