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Project Acronym: IDDP-1 | State: Completed | Expedition ID: 5029

ins.: 2009-06-11 02:00; ( Age: 15 yrs )
By: Scientists
Category: IDDP_

IDDP: 2009-06-11

The RIH was finished at about 11 pm last night ...
Screwing of the jar on the drill string yesterday, before lowering it.

The RIH was finished at about 11 pm last night when drill string reached the fish at 2071.5 m. Soon thereafter the string had been screwed together with the fish, the anderdrift sub to the anderdrift. Since then the string has been pulled and pushed without noticable movement of the fish. Flow through the string is still blocked, making the task of getting the fish unstuck that much harder.