Daily News
Project Acronym: IDDP-1 | State: Completed | Expedition ID: 5029
ins.: 2009-06-13 02:00; ( Age: 15 yrs )
IDDP: 2009-06-13
Late last night preparations for pumping acid into the well ...
Late last night preparations for pumping acid into the well were finalized. Shortly before 24:00 the acid was pumped into the well. During pumping the end of the drill string was 1.20 m above the fish. At 04:00 this morning the string was connected to the fish again. The fish was still stuck. A slight change was noticed though as ~1 L/s can be pumped through the string at 100 bar pressure. This morning preparation for a second acid batch began. Unfortunately backing off resulted in a very low hook load implying that we unscrewed at ~500 m depth. We are now POOH to examine the threading of the bottom single.
- Links:
- /fileadmin/icdp/projects/data/iddp/2009_06_13/DIS_OTHER.htm