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Project Acronym: IDDP-1 | State: Completed | Expedition ID: 5029

ins.: 2009-06-13 02:00; ( Age: 15 yrs )
By: Scientists
Category: IDDP_

IDDP: 2009-06-13

Late last night preparations for pumping acid into the well ...
Tanks of acid on drill site.

Late last night preparations for pumping acid into the well were finalized. Shortly before 24:00 the acid was pumped into the well. During pumping the end of the drill string was 1.20 m above the fish. At 04:00 this morning the string was connected to the fish again. The fish was still stuck. A slight change was noticed though as ~1 L/s can be pumped through the string at 100 bar pressure. This morning preparation for a second acid batch began. Unfortunately backing off resulted in a very low hook load implying that we unscrewed at ~500 m depth. We are now POOH to examine the threading of the bottom single.