Daily News
Project Acronym: IDDP-1 | State: Completed | Expedition ID: 5029
ins.: 2009-06-26 02:00; ( Age: 15 yrs )
IDDP: 2009-06-26
Quenched glass came up with the circulation after the string ...
Quenched glass came up with the circulation after the string got stuck on 24th of June, which indicates that the string got stuck due to invation of melt into the hole. This would also explain why the string was lifted by some 35 tonne. After having cooled the well for 24 hours was attempted to pull in the string and it was all loose. Subsequently was commenced to POOH. POOH was completed at 11:15 pm last night. There was no glass on the bit and it was in good condition. Some black colouration could be seen on the stabilizers and the anderdrift tool. The hole is currently being logged. The refractive index of the glass shards confirms that the melt that invaded the hole is acidic in composition (rhyolite).
- Links:
- /fileadmin/icdp/projects/data/iddp/2009_06_26/DIS_OTHER.htm