Daily News
Project Acronym: IDDP-1 | State: Completed | Expedition ID: 5029
ins.: 2009-07-05 02:00; ( Age: 15 yrs )
IDDP: 2009-07-05
As previously reported the first CBL was conducted yesterday. The ...
As previously reported the first CBL was conducted yesterday. The log established a probable TOC at ~725 m. Later in the afternoon the crew prepared to cement on top. This was completed yesterday at 17:42 when cement slurry returned of surface after pumping 17.8 m3 into the annulus. The volume was less than expected based on the TOC as seen in the CBL-log from yesterday. Today a second CBL-log will be run. After the CBL-log is completed the crew will turn its attention to the BOP stack and the wells main valve which will be replaced by an ANSI 2500 valve.
- Links:
- /fileadmin/icdp/projects/data/iddp/2009_07_05/DIS_OTHER.htm