ProgramLogo.jpg Lake Junin Drilling Project
Additional Pictures
Date: 8/7/2015


UN_5056_1_C_public_presentations_1.jpgPresentation of the Lake Junin Project before the members of the Chinchaycocha Dialog Table at the Peruvian Ministry Council's Presidency. (Post and photos: Angela Rozas Dávila; English translation: Pedro Tapia Ormeño)
UN_5056_1_C_public_presentations_2.jpgFor the science team it is of the utmost importance to cooperate with all authorities and the local population, and project results help to improve public policies curbing Climate Change. (post/photos: A. Rozas Dávila; English translation: P.T. Ormeño)
UN_5056_1_C_public_presentations_3.jpgA timelapse of the trip that each crew takes twice every day from the edge of Lake Junín to Tarma.