COSC-2 Logging, Järpen, Sweden, 2020-SEP

OSG performed downhole logging in the 2276 m deep COSC-2A borehole of the COSC drilling project. OSG performed a part of the total downhole logging in the COSC-2. Other wireline logging was performed by Univ. of Lund and Univ. of Uppsala, both Sweden.

This is the 2nd OSG logging campaign at the COSC project.


COSC-2, Järpen, Sweden     2020-SEP   4-2276 m 

Tools:      GR, mSGR, mBCS, mMS, DLL, DIP, ABI             

Staff:      Groh, Kück, Töpfer

Hole conditions were mostly good and stable (HQ to 1575.8 m, below NQ).

