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Daily News

Project Acronym: PISDP | State: Completed | Expedition ID: 5033

ins.: 2006-02-09 23:00; ( Age: 18 yrs )
By: RSS Feed
Category: PetenItza

Petén Itzá: 2006-02-10

The Ortiz sits at el Remate, awaiting a new motor.
Our crew transfer/towing vessel's motor was pronouced beyond repair. The mechanical problems have slightly delayed the platform movement to site Pi-1.

The Ortiz sits at el Remate, awaiting a new motor. The loss of our towing boat has delayed operations for a day and had threatened to delay the movement of the platform for several more days. With all other options explored Dave and Flavio visited the Camino Real Tikal and spoke with Franz Sperisen about the possibility of using their large vessel for towing. With great generosity and personal and professional risk Franz happily agreed to allow the vessel to be used for towing. The towing will begin Saturday morning at 6:00 AM. As this news was announced at the shore-base the team morale rocketed. Franz was really our saving grace.