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Campi Flegrei Caldera Deep Drilling Project

Project Acronym: CFDDP | State: Completed | Expedition ID: 5041

Campi Flegrei Caldera is an active volcanic area marked by a quasi-circular caldera depression, formed by huge ignimbritic eruptions.

The caldera has recently experienced intense deformation, originating uplift phenomena of more than 3.5 m in 15 years, with maximum rates of 1 m/year in the period 1982-1984, which caused the temporary evacuation of 30,000 people from the centre of Pozzuoli and exposed more than 500,000 to the risk of pyroclastic flows. Several million people are at risk in case of an ignimbritic eruption.

The role of deep drilling at this area will give a fundamental, precise insight into the shallow substructure, the geometry and character of the geothermal systems and their role in the unrest episodes, as well as to explain magma chemistry and the mechanisms of magma-water interaction.

Keywords: Europe, Italy, Geothermal System, Volcanic System, Magma Chamber, Volcanic Hazard

Project Details

Project Location

Project Timeline


15 November - 21 December 2012

Full Proposal Approved

First Full Proposal Submitted

Workshop Held

13-15 November 2006 in Naples, Italy

Workshop Proposal Approved

Preliminary Proposal Submitted